Monday, January 5, 2015

3 Steps To Take Before You Move

There is nothing better than getting the chance to start over, at least to me. I love new beginnings and moving to a new home is just that, a new beginning. Instead of looking at moving as a daunting task that you absolutely dread, look at is as a fresh start. Take this time to take these 3 steps.

Get Organized

If you have a chance before your big move, take the time to completely organize your home. Whether you hire someone to come in and do it or you go through your things yourself, get it done. There is absolutely no reason to move things you plan to get rid of later on down the road. All it does is take up space in the moving truck for your things you do plan to move. I started to do this before we moved to Lakeway, and boy was I glad I did. Inevitably, on the day of the move we ended up getting rid of a ton of more stuff, but if I hadn't gone through my house before hand I wouldn't have been as organized. Well, as organized as I could be.

Donate Locally

This category is for those items you no longer want, but can't seem to throw away for good. I can't tell you how many things we donated before our big move. I encourage you to think outside the box on this one instead of donating to your local Goodwill think about your local daycare, library, elementary school or even a local thrift store or church. It is so rewarding to know that your gently used items are now being used for the better.

Just Let Go

Throwing away your belongings can sometimes be very emotional. But, there comes a time where you have to let go. There is no possible way for you to keep everything you purchase, obtain, or find in a lifetime, and things eventually do wear out. It may take a 5th hole in your favorite pair of jeans in order for you to realize it, but as long as you do it will be so worth it. There is something to be said about cleaning out your house. Refreshing is the word that always come to my mind.

So, refresh yourself and prepare for your new beginning.

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